Integrative bodywork is a holistic approach to manual therapy based on osteopathic principles:

  1. The body’s structure and function are interrelated.
  2. Health requires proper flow of all body fluids, including nerve conduction.
  3. The body is a functioning unit of body, mind and spirit.
  4. The body is capable of self-regulation and healing when properly supported.

Through assessing and treating areas of injury or decreased mobility and function, we can explore ways to enhance the expression of health.  Listening to the client’s “inner physician” provides a respectful, intuitive approach to the methods used in treatment. A variety of manual therapy treatment modalities improve structural mobility, which directly enhances function, fluid flow, and overall vitality.

Treatment modalities that may be included in an integrated bodywork session:

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
 CST is a very gentle method to asses and treat the mobility of the cranium and it’s contents. It is also used to asses and treat the spinal cord, sacrum and other parts of the body. The Therapist treats through listening and responding to the body’s inherent biorhythms. The goal is to balance the body’s physiology by optimizing neuro-vascular flow around the central nervous system and surrounding autonomic centers. CST enhances balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and facilitates deep relaxation. Treatment can decrease headache and/or migraine pain and provide relief from TMJ and ENT issues.  CST provides integration for the whole body, mind and spirit, which improves overall vitality and autoregulation.
Myofascial Release
A wide variety of myofascial release approaches maybe used. This may include direct or indirect sustained pressure, stretching or balancing around a reference point within fascial/muscular tissue. Releasing fascial tensions improve function and mobility within tissues and fluids in the area. Improved fascial mobility enhances vascular, neural and lymphatic communications locally and throughout the whole body. Myofascial techniques are often used throughout the treatment or in preparation for visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage or craniosacral therapy techniques. Myofascial techniques may also be used for integration.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral manipulation assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, nervous, vascular, respiratory, urogenital, digestive and lymphatic systems. Internal organs (viscera) maintain vital roles in running our physiology. Fascia, membranes and ligaments hold organs in their “space” and help them glide freely upon one another. Sometimes, poor posture, injuries, illness, inflammation, surgery, scar tissue or ongoing stress can cause restrictions or “sticky spots” between organs or other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system will move in a way to protect vital organs. Visceral manipulation is a gentle method of releasing these restrictions to restore mobility and improve function and communication of the organ and resulting system.
Lymphatic Drainage
Gentle rhythmic pressure is applied in specific directions along both superficial and deep lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic drainage is deeply relaxing and significantly improves lymph flow overall. This is especially beneficial where an injury or surgical procedure has caused stagnation or altered the course of lymph flow.  Increased lymph and fluid circulation supports immune function, toxin release, hormone balancing and overall health.
Energy Work

“Energy medicine recognizes that the human body utilizes various forms of energy for the internal communications that maintain and organize vital living systems and for powering processes such as sensation, digestion, circulation and movement (Oschman, Energy Medicine, 2016, p.8).” Energy work consists of listening to the subtle biorhythms and frequency processes of the body. From Heart-centered Intention, the therapist dialogues with the inherent  “Force of Life.” This innate healing force is always available to harmonize bio-energetic resonance within the fields, fluids, tissues and systems of the body. Improved energetic balance supports the body’s built-in healing mechanisms and helps harmonize life experiences in relationship to self, family and/or culture.



Bodies of all ages benefit from receiving integrated bodywork and intuitive healing.

Treatment can greatly improve recovery time from accidents, injuries, surgeries and major illnesses. Bodywork can support times of transition, whether it is increased activity levels, or big life changes. The positive benefits of therapeutic touch are known to support a healthy psychological state, improve body image, enhance sleep and reduce stress, cortisol levels and anxiety. Along with a healthy lifestyle, many people receive bodywork as a preventative “tune up”.


Prenatal and Postpartum


Myofascial release is offered in a side lying position or bolstered into a semi-reclining position. Attention is given to address special considerations and discomforts due to pregnancy. A focus on improving balance in the pelvis, diaphragm and uterus gives mother and baby more room to breathe and grow. This is a wonderful way to nurture and support mother and baby during pregnancy as well as prepare the way for birth.

Bodywork after the birth helps with realignment of the pelvis and addresses fascial/muscular imbalances from pregnancy and delivery. Mother and baby both benefit while adjusting to the transition into new life experiences.

Infant and Pediatric

CST and Bodywork

Infants may have had challenging positions in utero. Sometimes, there is added birth trauma from difficult presentations, complications, forceps, vacuum suction or cesarean birth. Infants, as well as all clients, are treated with complete respect, deep listening and gentleness.

Possible indications for treatment:

  • Breast-feeding difficulties
  • Fussy babies/colic
  • Digestive issues/reflux
  • Head turning favors one side
  • Other asymmetrical movements
  • Developmental issues
  • Difficulty with tummy time



Please call Andrea for questions or to set up an appointment.


Meet Andrea

I have much gratitude for being raised from a holistic healthcare viewpoint. While working with my own health issues and raising my family, I was inspired to learn energy work and become a licensed massage therapist (MA#00010701). Studying anatomy and physiology opened a quest to learn more. My continued studies have included: Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage, and a graduate program in Osteopathic Manual Practice. I’m continually shown through experience how all aspects of body, mind and spirit are interdependent and important to consider in treatment. Building on this holistic viewpoint, I’ve been practicing Integrated Bodywork and educating patients about their bodies for over 25 years. Along with being a lifetime student, I enjoy the seasons by hiking along the river with family and therapy dogs,” collecting rocks, gardening and playing in the art studio.




2027 W. Indiana Ave.
Spokane, WA 99205


Your privacy is top priority. I will not share your information for any reason.

Andrea Marie, LMT, DOMP(Can)